23 March 2007
How yummy are these shoes?
I'm loving Umbro by Kim Jones. So cute. Wish I could afford them. Don't know where to get them in LA, either.
But you know what, my mind is made up. Because I did a billion light years better than my first test, I'm rewarding myself with two pairs from Marc.
Scant, boring posts I know! Y'all know what I'm up to these days.
Have a finger-lickin' good weekend, everyone.
Photo credit Umbro by Kim Jones
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those are so cute/ugly.
you know how certain things are so ugly they're cool?
those shoes look like that to me.
i don't mean that negatively, they're really awesome and you should def. treat yourself to a pair or two if you can.
so damn jealous...
Hate the pink ones. Where in LA are you?
The Pasadena area.
Aww, maybe Opening Ceremony will carry those?Humberto has carried Unbro longer than anyone I can think of. Well, except maybe Odin.